Red and White Roses


Express timeless devotion with our striking red and white roses bouquet. Harvested at the peak of perfection, this classic combination blends passionate, velvety red petals with pure, creamy white blooms, symbolizing love, unity, and reverence. Ideal for romantic occasions, weddings, or heartfelt tributes, this elegant arrangement is crafted to convey depth and sincerity. Sourced fresh from local growers, each bunch delivers vivid contrast and enduring beauty. Elevate your sentiment with the luxurious allure of these red and white roses—nature’s iconic pairing of passion and purity.

You can add a glass vase to your order here

Note: Because of seasonal flower availabilities of varieties, the flowers used may not be exactly as shown in the photograph, but will always be of similar quality and value. This flower bouquet represents a size large.